The Collection of Postage Due in Canada 1906 – 2005, by Andrew Chung. Thirty-five years of advancements in computers and information technology, especially the Internet, have resulted in a significant update of an earlier book. April 2022, Spiral bound, 96 pages, 8.5 × 11, colour. ISBN: 978-1-989280-28-7. Stock #B4h117-1.
The Collection of Postage Due in Canada 1906 – 2005 is an update of an earlier publication, The Canadian Postage Due Stamps, by Hans Reiche FRPSC (1914 – 2000) and Andrew Chung in 1985. “Section 1” featured in the earlier publication is revised, and “Section 2”, on the treatment and rating of unpaid, shortpaid, redirected and undeliverable mail is revised and expanded with postal rates and fees. New to this publication are postage due meter and register impressions, and postage due notice cards.