1911 Admirals, Confederation, Provisionals

1924 6c UPU postcard to Germany.


1908 Quebec Tercentenary

1909 5c UPU to Germany.


1908 Quebec Tercentenary

1913 5c UPU to Germany.


1903 Edward VII

1906 5c UPU to Germany.


1970 -2019 QEII Modern issues

1985 35c airmail to Germany, returned.


1911 Admirals, Confederation, Provisionals

1930 8c UPU to Germany, via SS Bremen.


1911 Admirals, Confederation, Provisionals

1926 8c UPU to Germany short paid.


1903 Edward VII

1905 5c UPU to Germany.


1911 Admirals, Confederation, Provisionals

#P35 2c Admiral UPU postcard to Germany.


Stampless-To Foreign

1853 Waterloo, UC to Germany.
