In talking about how he started the BNAPS Exhibit Book Series the late Ken Ellison lamented only two things, the fact that 21st Century digital technology was not available at the beginning so all books in the series could be available in colour, and that virtually all the great exhibits of the last half of the 20th Century had been broken up before the series was started. This volume remedies in part one of those thoughts – an exhibit long dispersed, The Arthur W. Leggett Exhibit — Decimal Stamps of Canada, brought back through the forethought of the exhibitor and persistence of a current collector of the material. BNAPS thanks Ron Majors for arranging permission from the Leggett family to print this book and for scanning all the pages from Art Leggett’s original colour photocopy.Stamp and postal history dealer Arthur Leggett passed away on 26 February 2016. Art’s full-time occupation was a partnership in Belmont Chevrolet Oldsmobile of Weston, Ontario. He was Treasurer of the Royal Philatelic Society of Canada (RPSC) and a founding member of the Vincent Graves Greene Philatelic Research Foundation Expertizing Committee. With William Maresch, Art published the Canada Specialized Postage Stamp Catalogue, the first Canadian catalogue to accurately price postmarks. Canada Specialized, which went through eleven editions between 1974 and 1986, also included prices for covers. Art was well known for his fine exhibits, including Maple Leaves and Numerals, Canada Large Queens and the 1859 Decimal Issue, the subject of this volume in the BNAPS Exhibit Series. Art was made a Fellow of the (RPSC) in 1984 and elected to the BNAPS Order of the Beaver in 1985.
Leggett, Arthur W. (2017). The Arthur W. Leggett Exhibit — Decimal Stamps of Canada 1859-1868.
Leggett, Arthur W. (2017). The Arthur W. Leggett Exhibit — Decimal Stamps of Canada 1859-1868.
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