Catalogue Of Canadian Railway Post Office Cancellations and Related Railway Postmarks including Selected Waterway Postmarks (Excluding Newfoundland & Labrador), Ross D Gray. Forty years after the publication of Lew Ludlow’s classic RPO Catalogue, and 51 years after the Railway Mail Service was officially abolished in Canada, RPO collectors are still finding thousands more updates. January 2022, Spiral bound, 444 pages, 8.5 × 11, black and white. ISBN: 978-1-989280-29-4. Stock #B4h114-1.
The first edition of The Catalogue of Canadian Railway Cancellations, published in 2009, replaced Lewis Ludlow’s 1982 Catalogue of Canadian Railway Cancellations and Related Transportation Postmarks with a catalogue that was 25% larger than the 272-page original volume. By 2015 the response of fellow collectors, both within and outside the RPO Study Group, who sent numerous reports of new earlier and later dates, and train numbers not previously reported or confirmed, resulted in a 15% larger 2015 Second Edition, even with all Newfoundland RPOs removed to a separate book. These contributions have continued. The new 2022 Third Edition contains thousands more updates, resulting in a book 16% larger than the 2015 volume, and a much more complete and accurate reference. This third edition also has many more postmark illustrations as well as additional separate hammer data not previously included.
A member of BNAPS since 1971, Ross Gray has been a major contributor to the studies of the Railway Post Office (RPO) Study Group. Since he became Editor of the RPO newsletter in 2001, it has twice received the prestigious John S Siverts Award as the best study group newsletter. In addition to articles on RPOs in BNA Topics, in 2000 he wrote Railway Postmarks in the Maritimes, a Study of the Cancellation Devices 1866-1971. Ross’s most important contribution to the hobby has been the three editions of the Catalogue of Canadian Railway Cancellations and Related Railway Postmarks Including Selected Waterway Postmarks
One of only a few collectors to exhibit Canadian RPOs at the international level, Ross has shown an unfailing generosity in sharing his prodigious knowledge of Canadian RPOs and Canadian railway operations