This exhibit by Robert Elias presents the most comprehensive research ever undertaken on the paper texture of the Canadian Wilding and associated high-value definitives. It represents the culmination of a succession of studies and exhibits on this topic, which began at the Winnipeg Philatelic Society’s STAMPSHOW ’99. The final exhibit, at BNAPEX 2012 CALTAPEX in Calgary, received a Gold medal, the Ed and Mickey Richardson Award, the John D. Arn White Queen Award, and the APS 1940-1980 Award of Excellence. In addition to the stamps themselves, the exhibit includes a very fine selection of covers showing their use. Robert Elias is a professor in the Department of Geological Sciences at the University of Manitoba. His specialty is paleontology, and he conducts research on ancient fossil corals and the environments in which they lived. Robert’s philatelic interest is focussed on Canadian stamps and postal history of the early Elizabethan II era, prior to the Centennial definitive issue. He became a member of BNAPS in 1999 and has been Chairperson of the Elizabethan II Study Group since 2010.
Elias, Robert J. (2014). Canadian Wilding and Associated High-Value Definitives: Paper Texture, Printings, Periods of Use.
Elias, Robert J. (2014). Canadian Wilding and Associated High-Value Definitives: Paper Texture, Printings, Periods of Use.
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