Selected articles on Canadian Military Postal History by members of the Canadian Military Postal History Study Group and invited guest authors, published to commemorate the group’s first 100 Newsletters. Included in the subjects of the 48 separate articles are military mail during the Northwest Rebellion, the Spanish-American War of 1898, the Second Boer War of 1899, early Militia units and both World Wars I and II. Also covered are a broad range of subjects including Censorship, different aspects of mail to and from the three different services – Army, Navy and Air Force – and to/from individual units of the three such as the Canadian Postal Corps (CPC), the (Royal) Canadian Army Medical Corps, the Canadian Forestry Corps in WWI, the WWI Siberian Expeditionary Force and Force “C’ at Hong Kong, as well as Prisoner of War mail to and from Canadians held overseas and enemy personnel held in Canada.
224 pages, 8.5″x11″, perfect bound.