Colin Banfield’s Canada Postal Stationery Letter Cards of the Victorian Period, 1893 – 1899 is the first Postal Stationery exhibit in many years to be included in the BNAPS Exhibit Series. At BNAPEX 2014 BALPEX in Baltimore it was awarded Gold and received the Ed and Mickey Richardson Award for one or more of research, originality, innovativeness or presentation. The exhibit shows how the letter cards of the 1890s evolved, with different printings and perforations, different rates for different domestic services, and how cards were uprated with adhesive stamps for other services, both domestic, including registration and special delivery, and foreign. Among the unusual destinations are Moscow, Russia, Istanbul, Turkey and Grand Turk Island. A large section of the exhibit is devoted to the 3¢ cards that were revalued to 2¢ after the Christmas 1898 lowering of postal rates for destinations in Canada and the British Empire.Colin Banfield began collecting stamps in 1947 at 10 years of age, when he and his father joined their local philatelic society. His father eventually became president of the society, and Colin is proud to be its chairman today. An architect by profession, Colin has now retired from his own firm and spends a lot of his time on things philatelic. A Past-President of the Canadian Philatelic Society of Great Britain, Colin is now the Secretary of the Fellows of the CPSofGB and an active participant at all their conventions. Also a staunch supporter of BNAPS, with his wife June he has regularly attended BNAPEX conventions since 1981, and has shown one or more exhibits each time
Banfield, Colin G (2014). Canada Postal Stationery Letter Cards of the Victorian Period, 1893 – 1899.
$24.00 CAD
Banfield, Colin G (2014). Canada Postal Stationery Letter Cards of the Victorian Period, 1893 – 1899.
In stock (can be backordered)