At its inaugural meeting in Calgary, Alberta in 1985 the members of the BNAPS Transatlantic Mail Study Group decided that its principal objective would be the collation of the large amount of existing information relevant to the study of the mails crossing the North Atlantic, but not readily available in other publications, and the setting up of research projects to dig out missing information. The resulting material would be published in a handbook.
Covered in the “Handbook on Transatlantic Mail” (Handbook Number 1) chapters are: I – An historical summary of mail crossing the Atlantic Ocean; II – Postage Rates: British Ship Letter Rates 1711-1840; United States Ship Letter Rates 1775-1863; British Packet Letter Rates 1711-1875; Great Britain Internal Rates 1635-1839; British North America Internal Rates 1711-1875; United States Internal Rates 1711-1863; III – Falmouth Packet sailings; IV – American Packets; V – Ferriage; VI – Pioneer Steamer sailings; VII – Freight Money; VIII – BNA Postage Rate Handstamps; and IX. – a Bibliography.
70 pages, 8.5″x11″, stapled